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we should research about God

Welcome to

we should research about God

Hello to you dear friend, We're a group of youth of Iran
We are trying to build a peaceful world, without violence and terrorism that is getting ready welcome "Jesus Christ" and "Son of Man". Follow our contents please

آخرین نظرات

prophet Muhammad

name | Wednesday, 30 December 2015، 12:26 AM

It is time to remember, to celebrate, to be proud ...

 The prophet 's birthday is a moment to devote time to his great ideas which He

believed in life.

 He gave us the message of compassion towards all fellow beings.

 May his enlightened message guide us on the path of peace ,goodwill,and


 On this auspicious occasion of

Mawlid al-Nabi, wishing that your home, heart, and the whole world will be


Searching for the true Islam?

Join us @MahsavioonGLOBAL

Contact us @MahdavioonEN

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Who is Imam Hussain?

name | Monday, 28 December 2015، 07:52 PM

Do you know that: Who is Hussain?

You can download this video clip and

watch it to know((Imam Hussain))...

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The miracle of Quran-1

name | Monday, 28 December 2015، 12:33 AM

This video clip is showing The miracle of Quran...

you can see that... why Quran is a  Holy book?

please click to see it:

Download clip

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Why Hijab?

name | Saturday, 26 December 2015، 11:41 PM

Hey... my friend...

Do you know... what is Hijab?and why Hijab?

Why Muslim women have Hijab?

please click to download your answers

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The Twelfth IMAM-Part۳

name | Thursday, 24 December 2015، 12:52 AM
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We are all Muslim

name | Wednesday, 23 December 2015، 10:29 PM

FROM: Michael Moore
TO: Donald J. Trump

Dear Donald Trump:

You may remember (you do, after all, have a "perfect memory!"), that we met back in November of 1998 in the green room of a talk show where we were both scheduled to appear one afternoon. But just before going on, I was pulled aside by a producer from the show who said that you were "nervous" about being on the set with me. She said you didn't want to be "ripped apart" and you wanted to be reassured I wouldn't "go after you."

"Does he think I'm going to tackle him and put him in a choke hold?" I asked, bewildered.

"No," the producer replied, "he just seems all jittery about you."

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Letter 4 U---common worry

name | Saturday, 12 December 2015، 02:24 PM

Letter of Iran's Leader of Revolution to the youth in western
















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Letter 4 U---common worry--->clip

name | Wednesday, 9 December 2015، 01:02 AM

Letter of Iran's Leader of Revolution to the youth in western countries

please click to download clip of letter

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name | Friday, 4 December 2015، 12:37 PM

The Caravan of Love

And it was so, that the great hejira began in the path of truth and the caravan of love started his journey. Yes! that caravan is the caravan of love, and this path is worthy of any immigrant in the whole history. Hejira is the introduction of jihad and men of piety deserve nothing to follow except the path of truth. Men of piety are not deserved to live in relief and be happy to the life of this world, when the truth is being killed every day here and there.

 The blood of Hussein and his friends is a galaxy on the sky that shows the way of Qibla. Let the man of this world don't understand it. How is it possible for a worm living in marsh, to know about the world outside? The sky and the ground for it, is limited to the marsh only. And if someone takes it out, it will die.

 Muhammad's Ummah had no shelter except Hussein on that day. Whether they know it or not, whether they thank Allah for this or not.

 The incident of Ashura is a gate of light that led them into the love's light-land, from Yazid's oppressing-land. If there was not Hussein's blood, the sun will be cold and in the lasting horizons of night, there won't be any light anymore. Hussein is the spring of sun.

  • name


name | Wednesday, 2 December 2015، 12:18 AM

Oh People !

Rise up and mourn. . .

Today is Arbaeen. . .

The 40th day after the martyrdom of the grandson of the final prophet , Muhammad (p.u.h) is today. This day, which is no less important to the day of Ashura, is important for many reasons. The prime being that the Ahl-ul-Bayt reached the land of Kerbala on this day and performed the visitation to Sayyid ash-shohada and his loyal family and freinds who gave their life for the cause of Islam.


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