I am from Yemen! + Video Clip
name | Saturday, 4 July 2015، 08:39 PM
I am from Yemen!
The fire of my fury surely burns the enemies of Ahl-albeit.
I am from Yemen!
I know once Imam Mahdi (pbuh)(the twelfth Imam of muslims) will return and take the revenge on these oppressors

I am from Yemen!
I prefer the honorable death to the disgraceful agreement with you, the miscreant bloodthirsty people.
I prefer the honorable death to the disgraceful agreement with you, the miscreant bloodthirsty people.
I am from Yemen!
All of my ancestors have adored Ali-ibn-e-Abitalib.(A.S)
I am from Yemen and I hate you, damned wahhabis.
I am from Yemen!
If you burn all of my brothers and sisters in the flames of your malice and foolishness, I will not release my beliefs.
I am from Yemen!
I adore Ahl-albeit and hate their enemies. Damn you, ever hirelings in all of the eras!
O' the creatures who are inferior to the animals!