I'm not a terrorist
In the name of the all religion's God
nowadays talking about Islam isn't easy. People think you, as a Muslim, can be dangerous for them and
try to stay aside because they think you are a terrorist...your parents and also your friends and all the pepole you know are terrorists too. They even think you were born a terrorist and one day you will explode yorself in a public place like a terrorist. They think all the Muslims are terrorist . If they were too kind they would say no,all the terrorists are muslim.!??
But is this true?
This is not true to think in the world where media indoctrinates people ' heart and mind and takes them where ever they want ,who can hear the sound of us,one billion five million Muslim people???
Have you ever thought that if we,Muslims, were really terrorists ,others can stay alive?
Why after the collaped of Soviet Union ,west aimed his weapons at Islam?
why do west support countries like Saudi Arabia,which is Islamic on the surface,despite of lots of things this country did and is doing against human rights? But some countries are always introduced as destructors of international security?
Why is Islam this much dangerous?
What does Islam say?
Global medias introduce Islam as a religion of war and violence,but is this true?
Consider the wars in recent century ...Who started them?
Why did they happen?
Were Muslims reponsible for them or the west authoritarian govarners?
Who started the world wars?
Which country used nuclear weapons ?
Consider the history of America and Europe in the colonianism and slaveholding period,and the formation of America...
I dont wanna reproach anyone but I just wanna remind the dark part that history is shameful to remember to say that this point of view about Islam is not true. The new world inherited the great Islamic civilization. The civilization which brought up scienticts like Avicenna,Khawarizmi,Rhazes and thosands of others. This civilization under the shadow of Islam got this wisdom and reasoning and gathered and spread knowledge, custom, and art. I dont deny the cruelty and violence that the cruel governers did to people. So I wanna say that this point of view about Islam and Muslims in Europe and America isnot true. Its just an advertisement.
If you consider the warsvin Islamic countries nowadays, you will certinly see tge footsteps of Western countries.
You may ask ,"Do Wester countries formed Al-Qaede,ISIS, etc? Arent these groups Muslims themselves?
The answer to the first question is Yes and the second question ' answer is NO.
These dreadful groups are killing machines that are formed by America and Israel to set the New World Order(NOW). They want to form the great Middle East which they are waiting for from long ago.
I can prove it with what Hillary Killinton,the former foreign minister of America, wrote in her memory book.
If you ask ,"Arent these brutal groups muslims? I will answer ,NO. Because the first step for being a Muslim,Christian or any other religion is being a human. How can we call these wild dogs humans? so certainly they cant be Muslim either. If you consistently think that Muslims are wild dogs and Islam is nothing just violence and its a great danger for the world and western countries are fighting with terrorism pleaze answer this question. Should you scare from terrorism or we should scare from that? We dont know when we go out of home in the morning whether we will come back at night or not. Does terrorism harmed you more than us? Everyday we watch on tv that in an Islamic country some people are killed because of an terroristic explosion and some children became orphane ,women are widowed ,we see fathers who huge their dead daughters body...
What do you know about war ?
What do you know about terrorism and terrorists?
For one Israeli captive the whole south Lebanon is destroyed , but who knows how the innocent Muslims are in Quantanamo prison?
For a terroristic attack in Europe whole the world feel pity and sorry but for innocent children who are wildly killed in Gaze,Iraq, Yemen,Pakistan, Afghanis
tan, Libya,Tunisia,Congo, Myanmar,and ...who become silent even for one second?
Oh I am really really sorry... its long time that they are silent ...
consider Iraq and Syria. They made ISIS themselves as well as Taliban and AlQaede.They also brought Sadam to work and armed him to the teeth ,encouraged and supported him to attack to Iran.After a while they atacked Iraq under the pretext of weapon of mass destruction and occupied it for nine years and killed thousands of innocent civilians
Taliban was also made to avoid the influence of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan but after a short time Taliban was the pretext of occupying this country. The premise of ISIS is the same story.ISIS is the only excuse of division of Iraq and Syria.
I am not going to answer all the questions in this article. I dont want to speak oo much.
In the world where the media indoctrinates human 's heart and mind and takes them to where ever they want, we use this blog to talk with you directly to introduce real Islam, not the one that the media shows you.
Someone may think , how people ,who hate us so much , can be our friends. But this is not true. We,Muslims, never hate or hated the Western people or any other nations. We just hate those who try to enslave others and supress them to govern them.
We want to have a friendly relationship with all the world, without considering race, nationality, religion and culture.
We hope and try to have a peaceful world without terrorism and lying.