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we should research about God

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we should research about God

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The introduction of Islam

name | Saturday, 3 October 2015، 09:24 PM

Islam's meaning in word is surrender, that's why islam religion is based on the meaning which is Surrendering Allah all alone..islam as the last and the most perfect religion that has been sent through the great prophet Mohamad (PBUH) for human prosperity and guidance...A religion which was already annunciated by previous prophets.....Quran is an everlasting miracle of Islam's prophet which is mentioned on behalf of Jesus christ who annunciated his appearance and introduced him by the name Ahmed... 

like other religions Islam has three believe's bases ,moralities, monotheism , and commandments.......and also other topics like;Justice (God is righteous),prophecy(God has sent alot of prophets for humans guidance),Imamat(leadership)and surrection . Which are important to follow ....to be a muslim you must attest that there is only one God named Allah and believe to his last prophet Mohamad(PBUH)Who is the messenger... Other wise that person is not considered true muslim...

And also Muslims should believe to other prophets , resurrection day ,islam as the last religion,angels,the absent savior and all quotings of prophet Mohamad (PBUH)which are the religions necessities. And any disbelief of them is known as that person left Islam and is not Muslim any more.

As far as islam is the religion of wisdom based on human 's nature, any immitation of believes is not logically accepted and every person must investigate and accept every aspect through logical reasoning.....

In the field of law,it must be said that everyone can just do or can not do the things which are obligatory,unlawful,permissible and recommended.

Islamic religious commandments that people should do are called branches of religion which include prayer, fasting,Hajj, Zakat,Khums,Jihad,enjoying the good, forbidding evil,fighting the tyrant.

Doing and fulfilling these things will surely lead to humans prosperity. 

If a person has enough information about religious commandments and he/she is a specialist, it is logica for him or her to act according to his or her knowledge if not he/she should refer to sb who has enough knowledge ,I mean a Fully qualified mujtahid.

Islamic ethics are also like the two subjects that were mentioned above, Islam has the most human moral instructions. 

The importance of ethics in Islam is so much that the Islam prophet states that the purpose of his prophetic mission is to complete the moral virtues to the best way.

Since introducing of Islam and it's advantages and features isnot possible here, we just have to mention some of them. 

For example :In Islamic ethics, muslims should love every people and even creatures and try to be kind with them. 

In that way, the mercy and compassion toward a dead sparrows will cause the Allah's mercy on the Day of Resurrection.

Islam forbids cruelty toward animals.Islam tells us that watering a thirsty tree is like giving water to a thirsty believer. Muslims should behave well with sunnites and even unbelievers.

In that way, Imam Ali (AS)ordered to give money to the old Christian man from the money house.

Basically the meaning of islam is originated from two words salm and salam which mean peace .....it is mentioned in Quran:""O belivers just try to be kind and be at peace with others.Dont follow Satan who is your obvious enemey"" confirming that islam is the religion of peace , friendship and brotherhood...

In Quran's point of view there wont be any global and stable peace among nations without faith in Allah and the link among all human communities which are different in race ,religion ,language,culture,rigion and geography is just faith to Allah...

Justice seeking of islam is to that extent to invite people openly to be united and harmonic and tell them nicely"" oh prophet ,tell all jews and christians to come and join us and all together with a common heart and language worship Allah and stop being polytheist......""when muslims immigrated to Medina and raised the victory flag , so many peace offeres were presented to prophet Mohammad(PBUH) and he welcomed them with open heart... For insta

nce there was a peace contract which was done with some jewish tribes in the early years of immigration to Medina...

ISLAM is seeking peace and public co-existance and designs excellent plans on this target....

The way that Islam values science and knowlege is not considered in any other religions to that extent which seeking science is an ultimate necessity for any muslim......a scientist' sleep is better than an illiterate's prayer and scholar's pencil is more valuable than martyr's blood......for such examples we were witness that muslims got promoted in short time in so many aspects of science and knowlege and founded an islamic civilization with the presence of rare scientists such as Zakaria and Avesina. The greatest philosephor and doctor of his own time ,Ibn hasim,Jaberebn Hayan..Khaje nadir toosi....etc

Who were appreciated and praised by western intelligentias and scientists.....it is not deniable....

 In Islamic tought, there is no difference between men and women regarding creation, and men have no grant to women. Islam praises women's rank and character in the best way. Holy Quran introduces Mary as a special servant of Allah who is near to Him. Pharaoh's wife is mentioned as a model for believers and Moses's mother is considered qualified for inspiration in Holy Quran. Islam introduces women as source of reassurance for men. In Ahl e beit(A.S)'s (prophet Mohammad 's family)culture, a woman is not a hero, but is like a flower. She has plenty of weal and mothers' rank is preceding fathers'.

In Islam's view, no nation or race have priority over others. The virtue and piety is the only criterion of human's priority. Everyone will be responsible for his/her deeds and will not take the responsibility of others sins. Allah loves repentant people who are regretful for their sins and accepts them warmly. Being disappointed from Allah's mercy and forgiveness is disapproved and is considered as a sign of losing faith. Muslims are brothers so defamation,mockery,accusation and detraction is not allowed according to Islamic ethics. According to these ethics the position of teachers is superior and cleanliness is a sign of faith.

And the followers of Islam in a general Classification are divided into two groups of Shia and Sunni that by a glancing research of the Quran and Hadith from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and also by considering wisdom and rational behavior of the wise Muslims, the real expression of Islam came true in Shia. Shia believes that it is impossible Prophet (pbuh) died without choosing someone as his successor and hierarch to manage the affairs of Muslims. According to Shia, as the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is infallible, His successors must be immune of sin and error to have the leadership competencies after the Prophet (PBUH) .In other words The Shiites believe that the Islam’s Prophet had introduced and appointed the successors of himself according to the lord orders for the period of time after his death, In order to protect the religion of Allah. From the Shiite point of view the successors of the Prophet were 12 people that the first of them was Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS) that even a group of Sunni (Mu'tazili s) believe in his superior more than other companions.

After Ali (a.s) ten others of ahl-albait (a.s) (family of Mohammad(PBUH) were chosen as Imam (leader). They all  were martyred for Islam. In the end , the last Imam and the last successor , Imam Mahdi was chosen in 260(AH).

But the God wanted him to be hidden from the people for an unknown time and when the time comes, the last Imam will appear and he will bring us the exact justice.

For this, the shia community is citing the verses of Quran and the prophet Mohammad's(PBUH) quotes.

The eminence and the dignity of Imams are all over the verses of the Quran and prophet Mohammad's quotes. This proves that the eminence of Imams are so right and undeniable and the most of Sunnite people accepted this as a fact.

The message of Shia to the world is just a sentence :"know the God"

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